Friday 9 September 2011

Urgent Appeal - all out against racism! Sept. 11 -- NYC: Rally for Unity & Solidarity and against Racism, War and Anti-Muslim Bigotry DONATE to the Muslim Solidarity mobilization ENDORSE the Muslim Solidarity mobilization DOWNLOAD new leaflets in jpg and pdf And take action to STOP THE SEPT 21 GEORGIA EXECUTION OF INNOCENT AFRICAN AMERICAN PRISONER TROY DAVIS - GO TO IACENTER.ORG TO FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN HELP! Extreme right-wing, racist forces, who last year whipped up a climate of hate against the Islamic Prayer Center at 51 Park Place, have announced ugly new plans for this year — the 10th anniversary of 9/11 — at the same location near the World Trade Center site. This is a very dangerous threat. Anders Breivik, the racist, right- wing Norwegian responsible for the recent mass murder of 77 mostly young people in Norway, has quoted extensively from the writings of Pamela Geller of Stop Islamization of America and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch. These are the two organizations opposing the Islamic Prayer Space at 51 Park Place. Last year the media claimed that these well-financed hate groups represented the views of a great majority of the population. Many of us considered it a responsibility to show that they do not speak for the people of New York City. We organized, with the help of many thousands who responded, a far larger and dignified outpouring to stand for unity, respect and solidarity and against racism, war and anti-Muslim bigotry. This year it is more important than ever that we do not allow these racist hate mongers to be the only voices speaking to the media and to the world. It is especially important to counter, in this period of economic crisis, the forces that want to blame immigrants and Muslims for the growing cutbacks in social ser- vices, rising unemployment and continuing wars. On Sept 11 we will hold a rally, march and cultural exhibition. Come and pick up flyers. Spread the word to family, neighbors and co-workers. Attend a Wednesday Sept 7 planning meeting at 6:30 p.m. at 55 W 17th St, #5C in Manhattan. Sun • Sept 11 Rally of Unity & Solidarity is supported by: Action for a Progressive Pakistan,

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